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5 Ways to Communicate Your Killer Concept to Clients

by 추산봉 2015. 9. 21.



A seemingly never-ending debate exists regarding the authority of architects to dictate design decisions to the wider public. Given that it is those people who will ultimately inhabit and live with the structures we create, what right do we have to tell them what’s good for them? Is our lengthy architectural education enough to negate their lay perspective, assuming they will trust in our professional judgment, specialist knowledge, and theoretical standpoints? Do we really know best?

Of course, the optimistic amongst us will be confident that our thorough education and subsequent years of professional experience puts architects in the best position possible to shape the built environment for the benefit of society as a whole. However, simply producing great designs is not enough; the clear communication of those designs is critical to winning the support of our clients, local residents, city councils, and the public at large.

Zaha Hadid’s recent loss of the 2020 Olympic Stadium commission in Tokyo is a notable example of what can happen if we fail to convince each and every one of these influential parties. on the flip side, the collaborative effort undertaken by James Corner Field Operations and Diller Scofidio + Renfro to realize the High Line goes to show how popular a project can become with the help of ongoing dialogue and input from the local community.

So, what can architects do to enhance their powers of persuasion? Here are five firms who utilize different mediums to communicate their ideas, sometimes to individual clients — and occasionally to a much larger audience.

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BIG’s diagrams for West 57th, the Meatpacking District, New York City

1. Diagrams by BIG

Bjarke Ingels has developed a sterling reputation as an architectural storyteller, and his firm is particularly well-known for its diagrams, which aim to promote clarity and remove pretension from the design process. A great example is the graphic sequence used to explain the pyramidal shape of the West 57th apartment building in Manhattan.

By now, you will no doubt have seen at least one of the studio’s step-by-step model manipulations. The simple, Sketchup-style renderings are easy to understand, giving clients and the wider public a clear idea of BIG’s project development. While they can sometimes appear formulaic, the diagrams have caught on as an accessible communication device, and dozens of firms have adopted the medium.

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Richard Meier Model Museum, courtesy Richard Meier and Partners.

2. Models by Richard Meier and Partners

We recently reported on the power of models to bring design concepts to life, as Allied Works Architecture prepare to display theirs for all to see in a major new exhibition in Denver. Another firm to harness three dimensions more than most is Richard Meier and Partners, which now has an entire museum dedicated to models of some of its most famous creations, including detailed renditions of the iconic Neugebauer Residence and Smith House.

By allowing people to get up close and personal to these finely crafted works of timber veneer, Meier gives everyone a chance to get under the proverbial skin of each project, and it is safe to say that the clients are much more swiftly convinced of an architect’s intentions when they lay their eyes on these miniature masterpieces.

Europa City walkthrough by Squint/Opera.

3. Visualizations by Squint/Opera

They aren’t architects themselves, but they have quickly become indispensable to major firms around the globe with their brand of unique and often breathtaking animations of the buildings we envision. Squint/Opera’s team of digital artists create quirky architectural trailers and stills that have that rare ability to make clients smile, a fact that has spawned great success: people buy into big ideas much more easily when they are enjoying themselves!

The principle is encapsulated by the Squint/Opera’s tagline: “Great Stories Told Well.” Firms that have benefited from the studio’s animated box of tricks include the aforementioned BIG, designers of the utopian Europa City on the outskirts of Paris, and international players AECOM, which tapped Squint/Opera to bring its Rio 2016 Olympic Park masterplan to life.


Thomas Heatherwick: Building the Seed Cathedral, via TED.

4. Presentations by Heatherwick Studio

Sure, not every architect is going to rise to such prominence that they can book themselves a slot on the prestigious TED stage, but Thomas Heatherwick’s talk illustrates the potential for multimedia presentations to help tell stories and communicate our ideas to both clients and the wider world. The list of TED speakers from the architectural world is quite something: Frank Gehry, Daniel Libeskind, and Architizer’s own Marc Kushner of HWKN have all taken to the platform in recent years.

The scale of event matters not, though: even in a meeting with developers or the board at your local town hall, these same communication skills can help support your designs. By talking with passion and enthusiasm about your project, you can show genuine belief in what you are proposing. Clients appreciate a candid pitch, and a dash of humor also goes a long way!

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Via the “Life of an Architect” Facebook page.

5. Social Media by Malone Maxwell Borson Architects

Most architects still use Facebook and Twitter to broadcast factual news about their firms. That’s just fine, but Bob Borson of “Life of an Architect” fame has shown that we can do so much more to communicate our working process to clients and a wider audience.

Circa multiple online platforms, Bob paints a detailed picture of studio life, offering thoughts on everything from conceptual sketching techniques to real-world design details. Critic Alexandra Lange nailed it in her article on Dezeen last year, proclaiming: “Social media can do more for architecture than showcase pretty faces and soundbites. Architects need to start thinking of social media as the first draft of history.”





건축가의 소통수단 5가지




건축가의 권한과 공공에 의한 디자인 의사결정에 대한 논란은 끊이지 않는다. 일반인들이 궁극적으로 건축가가 제안한 공간을 사용하게 되며, 건축가는 제안한 건축물이 진정 공공에 좋다는 것을 이야기하여야 한다. 이를 위하여는 어떠한 노력을 하여야 하는가? 건축가가 자신의 설득력을 강화하기 위하여 사용하는 5가지 회사의 방식이 있다. 이들은 다른 수단을 이용하여 생각을 개인적 클라이언트로부터 대중에 이르기까지 설득에 나서고 있다.

1. 다이어그램을 이용하는 BIG

Bjarke Ingels는 건축적 이야기꾼으로 유명세를 타고 있다. 그리고 그의 회사는 다이어그램을 잘 활용하기로 유명하다. 가장 좋은 사례로 맨하탄 57번가 피라미드형 아파트 설계를 설명하기 위한 경우라 할 수 있다. 매우 단순하고 스케치업 스타일의 랜더링을 통한 쉬운 이해를 할 수 있도록 하고 있다.


Richard Meier Model Museum, courtesy Richard Meier and Partners.

2. 모델을 활용하는 Richard Meier and Partners


모델은 디자인 개념을 명확히 하여 준다. Richard Meier and Partners의 경우 Neugebauer ResidenceSmith House의 상세한 모습으로부터 전체 뮤지움을 모델로 만들어 소통하는 것으로 유명하다. 상세한 모형을 통하여 건축가의 의도를 잘 이해시킬 수 있다.


3. 시각화를 통한 Squint/Opera

Squint/Opera 팀은 건축가는 아니나 건물을 시각화하여 숨막히는 장면을 연출하여 주는 회사이다. 이 팀은 디지털 예술가로 빠르게 건축적 모습을 클라이언트가 이해할 수 있도록 만들어 준다. 이들은 사람들이 이들 광경을 즐길 때 손쉽게 건축가의 거대한 아이디어를 산다. 이들은 ‘좋은 이야기를 잘 이야기’ 하는 능력을 갖추고 있다.


4. 프리젠테이션을 활용하는 Heatherwick Studio

Thomas Heatherwick은 클라이언트와 세상과의 소통을 위하여 멀티미디어를 사용하는 회사이다. TED에서 강연하는 건축가는 Gehry, Daniel Libeskind, 그리고 Architizer를 운영하는 Marc Kushner 등이 있다.


Via the “Life of an Architect” Facebook page.

5. 소셜 미디어를 활용하는 Malone Maxwell Borson Architects


대부분의 건축가는 페이스북이나 트위터를 사용한다. 그러나 Life of an Architect의 Bob Borson은 클라이언트와 대중과의 소통에 능력을 보이고 있다.
