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[2019 대한민국 건설문화大賞](주)토마스건축사사무소 https://www.ikld.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=211877 [2019 대한민국 건설문화大賞](주)토마스건축사사무소 - 국토일보 [2019 제15회 대한민국 건설문화大賞] (주)토마스건축사사무소 철도기술 역량 자랑… 철도산업 발전 일익BIM설계 등 설계․CM 기술개발․품질개선 앞장철도관련 연구 지속 확대… 철도건축문화 증 www.ikld.kr 한국철도시설공단 이사장 표창 [2019 제15회 대한민국 건설문화大賞] (주)토마스건축사사무소 철도기술 역량 자랑… 철도산업 발전 일익 BIM설계 등 설계․CM 기술개발․품질개선 앞장 철도관련 연구 지속 확대… 철도건축문화 증진도 이 상 행 대표이사 [국토일보 하종숙 기자] (주)토마스건축사사무소(대표이사 이상행)가 ‘2019 .. 2020. 6. 2.
YACademy Students' Collaboration with Carlo Ratti in Design of “The Mile” Skyscraper www.archdaily.com/940620/yacademy-students-collaboration-with-carlo-ratti-in-design-of-the-mile-skyscraper?utm_medium=email&utm_source=ArchDaily%20List&kth=987,238 YACademy Students' Collaboration with Carlo Ratti in Design of “The Mile” Skyscraper Designers attending YACademy course in Architecture for Exhibition 2018 had the chance to support Carlo Ratti Associati team to refine “The Mile” Sky.. 2020. 6. 2.
Antel Arena / Bacchetta | Flores | Carámbula 2020. 6. 1.
Guide to Design a Sustainable Wood Façade | www.archdaily.com/catalog/us/products/13653/environmentally-friendly-wood-facades-technowood?utm_medium=email&utm_source=ArchDaily%20List&kth=987,238 Guide to Design a Sustainable Wood Façade from Technowood Technowood has approached its use of wood sensitively by making developments which obtain 'more product with less tree' whilst still using natural wood. www.archdaily.com + 4 Use Constructio.. 2020. 6. 1.