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건축과 BIM80

carsten höller erects 30.7-metre-high vitra slide tower in weil am rhein http://www.designboom.com/art/carsten-holler-vitra-slide-tower-weil-am-rhein-06-20-2014/ carsten höller has erected a 30.7-metre-high structure on the vitra campus in weil am rhein, germany. the ‘vitra slide tower’ is the result of the furniture company’s objective to envision a work with an artist that would fit into the overall plan of the site – something t.. 2014. 7. 9.
GRAPHISOFT releases ArchiCAD 18 and introduces BIMcloud http://www.aecbytes.com/review/2014/ArchiCAD18.html AECbytes Product Review (June 25, 2014) ArchiCAD 18 Graphisoft typically comes out with a new release of its popular BIM application, ArchiCAD, every summer, and following this schedule, it launched ArchiCAD 18 earlier this month. This happens to also be the 30th anniversary of the application, making it extra special not onl.. 2014. 7. 9.
What is BIM? http://www.thenbs.com/bim/what-is-bim.asp What is BIM? A multi-dimensional tool, Building Information Modelling (BIM) involves generating a visual model of the building which also manages data about it, at the design stage, throughout the construction phase and during its working life. Typically BIM uses real-time, dynamic building modelling software working in 3D, 4D (workflo.. 2014. 5. 28.
IoT 시대, ‘서비스 중심’의 신흥강자 부상한다 http://www.lgeri.com/industry/electronic/article.asp?grouping=01030200&seq=550 IoT 시대, ‘서비스 중심’의 신흥강자 부상한다 김종대 장재현 정재훈 | 2014.05.13 센서, 프로세서, 통신 모듈 등 전자 부품이 초소형화, 저전력화되고, 빅데이터, 클라우드 등 플랫폼 기술과 LTE 등 네트워크 기술이 발전되면서 모.. 2014. 5. 14.