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Browser CAD Wars—Autodesk responds by launching Project Leopard http://architosh.com/2015/11/browser-cad-wars-autodesk-responds-by-launching-project-leopard/ Browser CAD Wars—Autodesk responds by launching Project Leopard Autodesk has revealed its stealthy Project Leopard, bringing Fusion 360 to users “a la” Onshape—a company that perhaps will offer the software giant its biggest mCAD competition in the near future. While t.. 2015. 12. 15.
내년부터 공공발주 모든공사 ‘건설정보모델링’ 의무화 내년 BIM 설계 2조1천억 규모 집행된다조달청, 맞춤형서비스 집행 모든 공사 건축설계 3차원 적용 하종숙 기자 | hjs@ikld.kr 승인 2015.11.20 09:37:43 http://www.ikld.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=49927 ‘BIM’ 전면 적용 공공건축물 설계품질 확보 기여 내년부터 공공발주 모든공사 ‘건설정보모델링’ 의무.. 2015. 11. 30.
Japanese architecture and engineering firms going all-in on Apple iOS http://archinect.com/news/article/139392573/japanese-architecture-and-engineering-firms-going-all-in-on-apple-ios Image via apple.com/ipad The corporate shift toward iPads has occurred rapidly over the past year, thanks in part to Apple's high profile global partnership with IBM. Major design firms that already use Graphisoft ArchiCAD have also been quick to adopt iPads to mak.. 2015. 11. 28.
ARCHICAD 19 http://www.graphisoft.com/ftp/marketing/ac19/pdf/archicad19-brochure.pdf 2015. 11. 28.