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This Free Tool Takes 3D Models into VR with One Click

by 추산봉 2016. 11. 29.


This Free Tool Takes 3D Models into VR with one Click

 This Free Tool Takes 3D Models into VR with one Click, via Tech Crunch

via Tech Crunch

The emergence of virtual reality applications for architecture has been one of the big stories of the past few years – in the future, we’ve been told, VR will become an integral part not just of presenting a project, but of the design process as well.

That future may now be upon us, thanks to new tool from New York City startup IrisVR. The company has released Iris Prospect, a program that enables you to send your plans and models directly into VR with a single click.

A beta version of the software is currently available for free download from their website, making VR accessible to anyone.

The software can be installed as a plugin and is compatible with Revit, Sketchup and .obj files, as to integrate fully into your workflow. The VR experience can then be viewed on all leading VR headsets, including Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, GearVR and Cardboard.

Once in VR, Prospect will allow you to toggle between layers and design options, change atmospheric conditions and make annotations. The model can be experienced through a variety of walkthrough options, and can be controlled a mouse and keyboard or game controller.

But perhaps the best feature is how quickly it works. on their website, IrisVR claims: “In less time than it takes to print, your 3D files will be converted into a VR experience. “

IrisVR also offers Iris Scope, which will convert panoramic images into VR experiences for smartphones.

After raising raising $8 million in Series A funding, the company now hopes for an official launch before the end of the year, so if you want to test it out for free, it’s worth checking out soon.

Try it out for yourself, here.

News via TechCrunch.